Wednesday, December 28, 2005

School's out for the summer.. . school's out forever!"

"School's out for the summer.. . school's out forever!" - Alice Cooper
It's hard to believe that it's been 30 years since we played Alice Cooper's song over and over again at graduation. It's amazing to me how it's still played across the country every year at graduation time.

"No more pencils, no more books, no more teachers' dirty looks."
So congratulations! You made it through 12-plus years of public your brains intact. For 12 years they have told you where to be and what to take, with bells to remind you where to go next.
Rarely in life will everything be so neatly laid out for you again. Unless you join the military.
So now what? Some of you may have that all laid out and planned as well. Good for you. Others aren't so sure.

What you have really accomplished is that you have earned your beginning "ticket" for the rest of your life.

Here's what I mean.
My family moved to Orlando in 1971, six months before Disney World opened. Back then you didn't just pay one general admission and ride anything you wanted.
You had to buy a coupon book, with tickets that ranged from A to E. An A ticket would get you on all the little stuff like Dumbo's Wild Ride or the carousel. You had to use an E ticket to get on things like The Haunted Mansion or 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea.

It's much the same with education and life. By passing all those courses that you may never use (it's true), you have gotten your A, maybe even your B ticket for life.
Those who don't get this far stand a fair chance of spending a good part of their working lives saying "Would you like fries with that, ma'am?" or "Do you prefer paper or plastic, sir?"
What you do next can increase or limit the range of options you have in life. As you consider what your next move might be, think about this quote:

"If you do now what other people are not willing to do, you will be able to do later what other people can't do."
And here are a few words for the parents of the graduates. I trust by now you realize that the world they are about to enter is dramatically different than the one we entered 30 or more years ago.

As you prepare to launch your child/young adult into the world, remember the words of Mark Twain: "When I was 17, I thought my old man was the dumbest person in the world. Then when I turned 21, it was amazing how much he had learned in four years."
They will still have difficulty listening to you. They will make mistakes. Give them room to do both of those things and to find their way back to you when they need you.
And they will.

It's also time for parents to begin to shift their focus a bit. Instead of concentrating on what you might want to make them do, begin to consider what you are going to do.
In closing, here are a few more tips for the graduate. Although you may have a dress rehearsal for graduation, there is no dress rehearsal for life. This is live and real.
Before you receive that diploma, find someone who invested in your life during these past four years and simply thank them.

You'll make their day, or more.

Visit for tips and tools for thriving during the teen years. For regular weekly tips you can subscribe to our f-ree from parenting coach and expert Jeff Herring.
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Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Are There Other Types Of Photography?

Are There Other Types Of Photography?By Roy Barker

As we have discussed there are many avenues open to a professional photographer. Some actually graduate from the world of business into corporate photography. Corporate photography has many facets; it is used for publicity, in the form of advertisements; for public relations, for historical purposes, and for in-house brochures. Some corporate photographers can work for the same company for many years. They cover special events in the companies’ history, as well as being as in some cases an important aspect of industrial history. The history of the steamboat, the transition from the Agrarian to the Industrial revolution has all been captured on film.

Not only industrial history but history has been captured on film. War photographers usually by press photographers’ have captured history.

In the 1940’s Ansel Adam’s was probably the best-known American photographer. He captured images of the enforced internment of American citizen’s of Japanese descent at the Manzanar War Relocation Center in California. These prints record history in another way as the Photographic Division of the Library of Congress show digital scans of his negatives as well as his prints; this allows a student to study his dark room techniques.

The art of action photography is a specialised art that presents unique challenges, requiring both technical skills in capturing a moving image, as well as knowledge of the activity you are photographing. A sense of timing is vital as well as having the ability to pre-focus. Some types of photography has peak moments, such as the hour before dusk, action photography has peak milliseconds! Your sense of timing has to be well developed to know when this is going to be, because you have to shoot a millisecond before that to give the camera time to actually shoot. This is where knowledge of the activity is very helpful to allow you to anticipate the peak second. However, this is a very specialised aspect of the photography business, your techniques can be improved. Sport photography is easier than moving wildlife, or breaking news stories, as it is more predictable in its outcome. Common sense is fairly important with your positioning, you need an interesting backdrop, as well as a place that allows you to make best use of ambient light, be it also to keep yourself in a position of safety. The Pulitzer Prize for photography is no use to anyone when they are dead. Often these skills can be refined at amateur sporting events, where you do not need a press pass.

Another specialist type of photography is underwater photography, partly because you also need to be a qualified diver and partly because the equipment is specialised. It is possible to take shots underwater, with a normal camera, but amphibious cameras, get better results, unfortunately they are expensive, with a lot of things to learn and the possibility of very expensive repairs. As with action photography this is best left to the specialist and it is not a feasible option, unless you work in this media for the majority of your time. The sea can be a dangerous medium to work in, and it presents special challenges such as night, and wreck photography, as well as drift photography, all of which challenge both your diving skills as well as your technical skills.

Scientific photographers take images of a variety of subjects to illustrate or record scientific or medical data using knowledge of scientific procedures. They typically possess additional knowledge in areas such as engineering, medicine, biology, or chemistry. Often the photography of this type of record is an adjunct to a scientific career.

Assignment photography is the delivery of material for a specific assignment, often with limited appeal. It includes portrait photography, as well as wedding photography. Portrait photographers often have their own studios, as their clients come to them to have a formal portrait photographed. SLR digital cameras are often preferred to do this type of work, as there are more opportunities to “view real timework”, you do not have to wait for the negatives to be printed to see if you have created a shadow on the face with a hat. Also they can be retouched, pixel-by-pixel, which means the small time imperfections can be glossed over. The adage the camera does not lie has never been completely true, but in today’s world is even less so. A portrait photographer has the opportunity to go out on assignment and covers events such as weddings, and christenings.

Photo Journalism is another branch of photography that covers the breaking of various events; it can be general, on a local paper, covering local events such as school plays etc. International freelancers often cover specific areas such as war photography. Press photographers are often characterized under the banner of “journalism”, as they collect, edit and present news material, yet despite this they use images to tell a news story.

It is distinguished from documentary photography, street photography and the photographing of celebrities because they have a timeline in that they tell a story in a chronological order. A narrative to further complete the story nearly always accompanies the work. Implicit to a degree in this type of work is a level of objectivity rather than creativity, as the images are recording real events in real time. For these reasons it differs from a wedding photographer, even though in theory he covers an event in real time and for publication.
A further aspect of photography is the “celebrity” and “Society” photographer. The two are distinguishable, though the person being photographed can fall in both categories. The society photographer may be also a photojournalist himself.

In Europe at least the Society photographer, is nearly always of the same class, partly on the ground that they have the “breeding” to cover such events, which may be Wimbledon, or the Melbourne Cup, or even a charity-raising gala. It is implicit that the Photographer has permission to take the photograph. That's quite different to the inherent distaste often applied to the methods used by the celebrity photographer, whilst at the same time the public retain an insatiable desire to be able to see the photographs. Celebrity photographers are often these days called paparazzi, after a famous Italian photographer known for his dogged determination to trail after celebrities, and publish photographs taken in an unguarded moment.

Publisher & Author: Roy Barker. Roy is the author of the popular ebook, Income from Photography - a downloadable ebook. It can be viewed at photography business
Article Source:

Monday, December 26, 2005

Setting up Portraiture

Setting up Portraiture By Chris Thomas

Portraiture is the 'bread and butter' of any professional photographer. Getting it 'right' is essential.
I once heard a professional artist - an oil painter - describe a successful portrait as one which told you something about the subject which you did not already know! I do believe there is something in this.
Capturing people in an unguarded and relaxed moment is possibly the trick.

Outdoor Portraits
Perhaps due to the warm summers that we have had over the past few years, I am finding that outdoor portraiture is becoming more popular.
For families, groups and for individuals this can be a great approach - using locations such as the back garden, a park or green fields - if you live in or near the country.
With this approach there is little point in using a backdrop - it is already there. However, make the backdrop unobtrusive - or an integral part of the study.

When I take an individuals portrait outdoors, and I have done this for several actors and professionals, I look for a green hedge, a nice neutral brick wall or a huge, slightly out of focus, green field to place behind the subject. The background is there - interesting in its texture perhaps - but of little consequence. Clearly the subject has to stand out from the background - so be careful with colour. A lady in a nice green office suit will not profile well against a hedge!
However the backdrop may be an essential feature of the photo. A farming family posed against a hay rick, with a few bales acting as seating props for the more senior members of the family.
I can offer two main tips concerning Lighting Outdoor Portraits. Firstly beware of sunshine! Amateurs always think that bright sunshine is an ideal photo environment. The reverse is true. Bright but even light giving few if any shadows is ideal. Bright overhead sunshine - referred to as 'top light' by professional photographers, leads to shiny foreheads and deep dark eye sockets - very unflattering. In those instances put the subjects in shade - under a tree or some such place.

The above point illustrates the need for example when taking a wedding to have prepared for all contingencies beforehand in finding an appropriate location.
Further, midday clear skies produce blue light, and early morning or late evening sunshine yellow light - be aware of this! Set the colour temperature of the digital camera correctly or use a correcting filter in film work. Or use the colour cast to your advantage.

Secondly use a flash.
I cannot remember using free standing lighting in an outdoor location. But I usually use flash. Why - to give the subjects a 'key light' in their eyes - which ads vibrancy and intimacy to the picture. The flash will also fill in those dark corners where daylight is not penetrating.
Indoor Portraits
I carry lights and backdrop in my working vehicle. So I can create a studio in my client's home within 15 minutes!

Successful indoor portraiture cannot be achieved with on camera flash. This creates deep shadows and look very amateur. Studio lights are essential.
The backdrop is optional. Some customers like to have a neutral photographic background for their study. Others like to feature their home. Both will require lighting.
When lighting beware of mirrors, glass fronted frames and shiny objects which will pick up the flash!
I generally use three lights for indoor portraiture. A soft light from the left, a soft light from the right at reduced intensity, and a low level 'key light' at my rear. The light from the left will illuminate the subject, the light from the right will fill in the shadows and the key light will provide that all important glint in the eye.

Some photographers try to get very sophisticated with other lighting combinations. However, in my experience, when invited into people's homes to take a set of portraits I recon one has an hour to get the job done! A quarter hour to set up, half and hour to take the shots, and a quarter hour to do the paperwork and get the equipment out. I try not to overstay my welcome and get on the clients nerves!

Studio Portraiture
Studio portraiture is easier for me because I do not have to set up - the equipment is already there.
But while I am in my familiar environment, the client group is not! So take care to relax and familiarise them as to where things are and what to do.

In the studio I use the same basic lighting combination as I would use in peoples homes. This keeps things simple. A range of backdrops should be available from the fashionable pure white through plain colours to traditional multi coloured photo canvases.

The sitting will probably last no more than a half hour to an hour and the customer should have been briefed as to what clothes to bring and changes of clothes which might be required.
What comes out of this is that clients need to be briefed before they leave their homes. Clothes, changes, time, location etc. This highlights the advantages of a home based shoot where everything the customer wants is to hand.

Photographing the Professional Actors and Actresses, Models, Politicians and Corporate Giants are a group of customers who want something special.
They want a special shot - something different. And they are prepared to be patient and experiment to get a distinguished result.
Innovative lighting using lights behind the subject to highlight hair, the use of coloured gels on lamps to provide effects, unusual poses or particular props might be required or desired.
These subject will spend half a day in the studio to achieve something which they want and which will be valuable to them.
This is playtime for the photographer. However, I always get a set of standard shots off first in order to have something in the bag in case the imaginative approach backfires!

Photographing Groups
From Dinner Dances to School Proms the attendant photographer is expected to be able to capture the shot - be it a couple or a group of twenty friends.
In these instances I select - or have been allocated! - an appropriate spot and either set up a backdrop or use a feature of the environment.
In these instances where I may be photographing a very diverse grouping I put up three lights as before, left, right and a light behind me. They are all set at similar levels to provide an even coverage of the area in front of me - such that however many subject that I have, they are evenly lit.

Posing the Subjects
A complex subject and could occupy a book. This is one of the areas where the innovation and inspiration of the photographer comes to the fore. Since many decisions are made on the fly and adapting to a situation it is difficult to make rules.

A few basics:
Have the subjects stand at an angle to the camera - not facing it. This presents a more interesting profile. But the subjects should look into the camera lens. Except for the couple who might look into each other's eyes!

Have a range of seats and stools available. When twenty people appear wanting to me photographed together, arrange them tightly using stools for the ladies - even getting some - gents? - to kneel on the floor - football team style.
Setting up The Lights
I use high power studio flash lights - both on location and in the studio itself. They are readily available from several manufacturers.
I very rarely point the lights at the subject! They are too harsh and bright! The only time I do this is in a hall when photographing an orchestra or very large group when I need the light coverage.

Pointing the lamps away from the subject I fit white umbrellas, which reflect a lower and softer light towards the subject.

All of the lights I use are able to slave. That is, when turned on, a light will fire itself if it detects a flash from another unit. This saves a great deal of wiring on location - and in the studio! I need only connect the camera to one light and the rest of the lights will slave.

Getting the Exposure Right
When taking outdoor portraits I use the programmed function of the camera most of the time. The camera is sophisticated enough to take into account the small amount of additional light from the on camera flash.

In the studio, or in the home environment when using lights, I set the camera to manual mode and select one 60th or 100th of a second shutter speed to synchronise with the lights and freeze and motion. Then an aperture of F8 or F16 to give a reasonable depth of field. Following this I set up each light with a flash meter such that I get the overall balance of light I require.

In Conclusion
Portrait photography is a very broad subject and requires much experimentation and experience to get good results every time. Find a patient sitter who can be paid off with a free portfolio!

Christopher Thomas is both keen photographer and company director of Viewlink Ltd based in Amersham, Uk. The company focusses on digital photo developing for both amateur and commercial photographers. For more articles by Christopher Thomas please visit the company website at
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Wednesday, December 14, 2005

How to Get into a Top UK University Even If You Don't Have the Right Qualifications

How to Get into a Top UK University Even If You Don't Have the Right Qualifications by: Tony Radford
How to Get into a Top UK University Even If You Don't Have the Right Qualifications
If you have a strong desire to study at a UK university, but do not have the necessary qualifications, this short article describes the perfect route for you.
The Way In
Many universities provide a training course called a Foundation Year. The Foundation Year provides essential preparation for a chosen course of study and also covers areas such as IT skills, maths and numeracy, academic and studying methods and communication skills.
Some Foundation Year courses provide English language preparation, to ensure your English is up to the required academic standard. Most Foundation Year programmes have a minimum language skill requirement, although many universities provide English language training.
A Foundation Course provides you with all the basic skills you need to gain access to a UK University course. Many Foundation Courses even guarantee you a place on the degree course you are aiming for, provided of course that you achieve the required standards in the Foundation Year.
You should definitely consider a Foundation Year if you do not have the necessary qualifications to gain entry to a degree course.
Typical Entry Requirements
Foundation Year entry requirement vary from university to university, so you must find out what is required at the university you are considering. However, there are some basic requirements:
* Most Foundation Year courses require you to be at least 18 years old.
* You must be able to prove that you have completed Secondary education in your home country.
* English - The English language requirement is likely to be at least IELTS 5.5 or TOEFL 525. Some Universities provide English courses.
* Maths - You should have the equivalent of at least a Grade D in Mathematics at GCSE level.
* You must of course have a strong desire to succeed in your chosen area of study and any evidence of your desire will be very helpful in your application.
* Some 'life experience' may be required for certain courses.
What Can You Study?
Foundation Year courses are available in an very wide range of disciplines including:
- Business, Marketing, Accountancy - Law - Social Science, Humanities, Arts - Hospitality, Consumer Technology, Leisure - Science and Engineering - Information Technology, Computing - Food and Health - Joint Honours Programmes
A Foundation Year is often organised into course units, designed to prepare you for your intended course. Some units are mandatory, others optional, many will be specified by the degree course you are preparing for.
Foundation Year Mentoring
Some Universities offer a Foundation Year mentoring scheme. A mentor is a volunteer who offers confidential help and guidance based on their experience. The mentor relationship can be very helpful.
How Do You Apply ?
First you should decide which degree you wish to study at University.
Then you should identify the University or universities offering a Foundation Year course that is the appropriate preparation for degree you have chosen. The
Then you need to apply for a place on the Foundation Year through the University & Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS). This is the university applications processing organisation in the UK and all applications for university places, including Foundation Year, go through UCAS
A Foundation Year is all about giving you the chance to gain a place in a English University. For many it is a second chance – the chance to develop, the change to get a degree, the chance to get on that first rung of the ladder to success.
About The Author
Tony Radford
Manchester Metropolitan University offers a very successful and substantial Foundation Year programme and welcomes applications to courses from overseas students. Click here for full inform

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Composition - Improving Technique at the Picture-taking Stage

Out of all the steps involved in taking a photograph, the one that creates most impact is correct composition. It is also the one that is the most fun and where you are likely to have the greatest control. It follows, then, that getting composition right in the viewfinder at the time of shooting will yield the best results with regard to the final image.

So, how can you ensure great composition and a great image?
fill the viewfinder: if your subject is too far away, get closer; if it is too near, move further back. Alternatively, use a zoom lens to alter the relative size of the subject in the viewfinder
avoid empty space: look around in the viewfinder and only choose to shoot when you are certain all the elements you require are in view
don't just look at the subject: check the background and the foreground. Are there unsightly objects or distractions? If so, what can you do about it?

Moving your subject might be an option. Otherwise you can either remove the distractions or shoot from a different angle
check your viewfinder: next time you have your camera to your eye, look around at the whole field of view in the viewfinder. Look at the edges, the top and bottom and both sides. It is so easy just to focus in on the subject without being aware of the huge spaces around it
isolate your subject: anything near to the subject will create a distraction. You can isolate it in a number of ways: move the subject or move the distractions; use a larger aperture to throw the foreground an background out of focus; wait until the surroundings get clearer (e.g. when taking pictures in crowds); get in close
turn your camera: most cameras have a rectangular screen and picture taking capability. Most shots will be in landscape format (with the long sides of the image at the top and bottom resulting in a postcard-shaped image).

If you turn the camera 90 degrees you then have "portrait" view. Try using this for some of your subjects and see what difference it makes
Many of these steps may seem simple, but you will be surprised how many photographers ignore basic rules. By thinking about your composition when you take your photography, you will enhance the potential of the final image and improve your photographic skills.
Eric Hartwell is an enthusiastic photographer and owner of the photography resource site The Shutter. He would pleased to hear from anyone who might wish to become involved in the site - email click here to send email
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Portraits: Prepare First

The golden rule when taking pictures of people is to always think about what you are doing before you press the shutter release. What do you hope to achieve? Is the image being taken for record purposes (that would make it a formal shot) or is it to display the personality of the sitter?

Pressing the shutter release in a haphazard manner will lead to uninteresting and poorly thought out shots. Neither you nor your subject will be pleased with the results.
Think about a number of issues first:

- What makes the subject interesting? – does your subject have a part of their personality that you wish to show – are they relaxed, happy, serious, austere, cheeky and so on. Or are they being snapped to depict a trait or a connection – for example a picture detailing their occupation, sport or interests?

- Is the arrangement appropriate? – there’s no point having an interesting subject with a competing background. Clear clutter and make your background and environment suit the sitter.

A teacher would look at home behind (or sitting on) a desk or surrounded by books. A basketball player wouldn’t. A child would be best placed near to toys, games and bright colors but your grandmother would wish a more mature and homely environment around her.
You could always choose a large aperture to blur out the background or place a white sheet behind the sitter to make the background neutral.
- Can you use props? – a pen, a book, a chair, a flower – something to make the subject feel more relaxed and to give the viewer a connection with the subject. Props can be very useful ways of enhancing a portrait.
- Is the lighting correct? – shots of females and children often look best with diffused light. Watch out for harsh shadows cast by angled lighting and always have a reflector ready to bring light into shadow areas.
Rugged faces look startling with harder and angled lighting whereas smoother faces look better with softer more flattering light.
Prepare yourself before the shooting begins.
Eric Hartwell is an enthusiastic photographer. He owns and runs the photography resource site and the associated discussion forums as well as the regular weblog at Anyone interested in getting involved contact him at

Friday, November 25, 2005

Make-Up Tips for Portraits

Photography make up is slightly different from daily make up applications. Here are some pointers -
Use natural lighting – for example, near a big window with lights coming in
If photography is taking place outdoors, do so around 4pm to 5pm, when the sun is about to set. Soft lighting makes a person better
Preparing the face:

Wash, exfoliate, tone and moisturize your face before applying make up
Oil control is very important. If you can, use oil free formulated products
Keep hair away from the face
To reduce puffy eyes, use Preparation H

Choose a thicker formulated foundation rather than the sheers ones that are used in daily applications so that all blemishes are covered easily
Blend foundation from chin to neck so that they are of the same colour

Use lots of it, and reapply between shots, to create a mat finish look
2 shades lighter than skin to cover blemishes and dark spots; apply before foundation application

Contour cheeks and eyes to create a sculpted look
Use foundation in a shade that is 2 to 3 shades darker than normal skin tone
Highlight eyebrow bones using light shadow to create lively eyes
Avoid eyeshadow that is too frosty or shimmery – it’ll appear shiny
Apply eyeliner with precision
Use waterproof mascara
Overall application needs to be than normal make up
Use lipstick and liner of same colour, in a shade darker than natural lip colour
Noelle Wong sees and unveils beauty in people. She is the owner of iN-IMAGE! Inc., a personal image consulting company in Toronto that offers one-on-one consultations and workshops to help people increase their personal presence. For inquiries please contact her at Visit her website at

Monday, November 14, 2005

wedding+favors articles

Additionally, your pictures are guaranteed to turn out better
if you like the photographer.
Another key aspect about your
photographer is their ability to use natural light in their
photographs.Natural light is perhaps the hardest and yet most rewarding
lighting a
photographer can work with.Used
correctly, and the photographs will inspire emotions and feelings in the
viewer that are nearly impossible to recreate with a studio lit
photograph.Or used incorrectly and you will end up with a snapshot.Ask
the photographer to see their portfolio or gallery of
On-Location Photographs.
The next thing to do is choose a place, weather, time or all three.This may be a bit trickier.Everyone has their personal favorite place
that holds deep meaning for them.Often these places are beaches,
mountains, the desert or even a time of year or a type of weather.Usually these places bring out a passion and a certain beauty in a person
that is unique to their experience in that location.There in lies the
magic of
On-Location Portrait Photography.
To find such a place you may need to spend some time thinking about
what inspires you as a person, family, couple etc.Do you love to go
beach combing together?Does riding a horse make you feel free?Does the
city inspire you?Or maybe the deep blue sky at 7000 feet is your
inspiration.These are the things you need to think about before choosing
a location.If a place eludes you, yet you know the feeling you want to
capture, use your photographer's knowledge of their location surroundings.
For example, Southern California and the Palm Springs area specifically
contain some of the most stunning natural areas in the world.Ranging
from the surreal windmills along I-10, the 8000 foot peaks surrounding the
desert, the majesty of Joshua Tree and Santa Rosa National Monuments, the
dunes of Kelso, the Pacific Beaches to the desolation of the Salton Sea,
Southern California has plenty to choose from.
Once you have your
photographer and your location, plan the
date.If you would like to have your make-up done professionally,
schedule an early morning appointment at a make-up counter or a salon.If
the location requires permits now is the time to get them, not the day
before.Got maps?Don't get lost.
The time of day is absolutely critical to the quality of light
available to you at your location.Typically the best light is either
early morning or late afternoon/evening.Make sure your
photographer knows the location you have chosen and knows the
light at different times of day.Work with them to plan the timing to
capture the best light time possible.
The day before your photography session eat well and get good sleep.Being tired and hungry on a long hike definitely shows up in pictures.
On the day of make sure you and your
photographer are well prepared for the elements of your
location.Bring water, some extra food, extra clothing and any portable
beauty items you may need.Make it a great fun day and you'll come back with some amazing pictures
to mark this time in your life.
For more information about On-Location Portraiture in Southern
California contact the author, Scott Campbell About the Author
Scott Campbell is a published, exhibited, award winning, professional
photographer based in the Palm Springs area. He has a fine arts degree, 15
years creative experienc

The Monogram Theme Wedding

And what�s not to like about monograms? They�re elegant, understated, versatile, and a dramatic visual reminder of your new life together. Ideas for including monograms You�ll find them popping up in more and more places throughout the reception, and sometimes even prior to it. Here are some ways that brides include monograms: embossed, stamped or printed bridal stationary custom postage stamps (see stationary seals or stickers painted aisle runners printed bridal bouquet ribbons bridal underwear or garter bridal handkerchief accent to bridal train, veil or gown ring bearer�s pillow stamped or printed out-of-town bags bridesmaids� totes guestbook engraved guestbook pen tablecloths chair covers place cards and menus cocktail napkins coasters centerpieces engraved cake server set cake embellishment wood, wire, metal, chocolate or a

Lighting the Way when Two Become One

Now, join the two flames together and look at the single flame. The united flame is taller, stronger and brighter than the sum of the two individual flames. Isn't that what marriage is supposed to be�a single unit stronger than the sum of its parts? The most traditional of the variations on the theme is the tall, thick white candle in the center of a candleholder surrounded on each side by a white taper. During the wedding ceremony, the bride and groom light the center unity candle with the two tapers, creating the stronger flame as a symbol of the stronger unity gained through marriage. Beyond the traditional unity ceremony, today's weddings provide the opportunity for many variations, particularly second weddings that include children. If each partner has children, the children may light the unity candles. Sometimes, parents from each family light the unity candle. You'll want to preserve the moment in a picture, because it's unlikely you'll find this level of cooperation again. If you carry a hand-tied bouquet, incorporate a white taper into the bouquet, and carry the taper up the aisle. The groom can hold his taper until you reach the altar, when you each place your taper into the unity candleholder to accentuate the unity theme. If your house of worship doesn't allow unity ceremonies, conduct the ceremony at the reception right before the toast. Candles for Your Wedding Decor Consider candles an integral part of your floral displays to add warmth to a sterile reception hall environment. Select your candles first, and then select flowers to complement the candles. If you maintain the candle as the focal point, you'll spend a lot less money on bridal flowers. Place a single sculptured candle by the guest book, for example. Incorporate candles into your table displays at the re

All You Ever Wanted to Know About Wedding Officiants

Depending on your tastes and faiths, you can often find a judge, a Catholic priest to marry you outdoors, a Rabbi to officiate at an interfaith wedding, a non-denominational officiant who encourages you to write your own vows, and so on. How to find officiants A good national directory for finding Catholic officiants is If you're stuck for ideas, try asking vendors. Your florist or caterer is probably well acquainted with local options. Another excellent way to find officiants is to visit a large wedding forum, like The Knot, and post on boards for your local geographic area. You can often get an idea of the flavor, preparedness, flexibility and even appearance of a popular local officiant. When should you book an officiant? Some officiants book early. If you're really particular about whom you want to do the service and can't budge on the date, try to book more than six months in advance. Some couples book a year ahead. How much do officiants charge? A minister at your own church may not charge anything at all, but may accept donations. In that case, a $100-200 donation is about average. Ask the minister yourself if there's any doubt. An officiant you engage yourself will set his or her own rates. Rates generally range

How to Save Money on Wedding and Baby Shower Favors

If you know other people that are having weddings or baby showers, then you can combine your orders and benefit from lower costs and possibly bulk purchase incentives like free shipping. 3) Make your own favors - If you are crafty, then you can make your own favors. Purchase all the materials at your local craft shop or online. Since you are making them from scratch, you can customize and personalize as well. People will appreciate the effort that went into making your own favors. 4) Find a craftsman - If you find a local craftsman or artist, then there is a chance that you can get a great price from them for your favors. Another possibility is an art student that is still in school. They will usually work for less money than a full time professional. 5) Flea markets and thrift shops - Flea markets and thrift shops are great places to locate bargain items. Also check out closeouts, store sales, garage sales, and live auctions. Oftentimes, you can also negotiate prices with these vendors.As you can see, there are many ways to save money when shopping for gifts for your guests. Follow these tips and you are sure to save money or favors and supplies for your wedding, baby shower, or any other special occasion. Criss White is a professional web writer on baby and new mother topics for baby and pregnancy websites. See Cheap baby shower favors( and Inexpensive baby sh

wedding+favors articles

someplace you have a passion for and have your portraits taken?Wouldn't
you be more likely to enjoy the experience?Wouldn't the photographs show
you and others who you were at this time in your life?This type of
photography is called
On-Location Portraiture.
On-Location Portraiture is the Art of
taking beautiful, meaningful, unique photographic images of people,
families, friends, lovers, in a visually unique & personally meaningful
setting.This style of photography is really a fun family friendly
experience.Additionally people find it to be very spiritual, intimate
and romantic. The resulting images and memories are unique because each
location and each trip is a unique adventure.Generally you will find
that you will receive:
- Images as art that tell a story about them.
- An exciting and fun experience to remember.- Photographic memories that have real meaning beyond simply a
beautiful picture.
Does this sound fun or what?So how do you get started?The first thing to do is find a
photographer that offers this kind of service, such as
Scott Campbell, a Palm Springs Photographer.Once you've found
someone willing to do this type of photography, interview them.You are
going to spend a good part of a day with them so you better make sure you
like them.Additionally, your pictures are guaranteed to turn out better
if you like the photographer.
Another key aspect about your
photographer is their ability to use natural light in their
photographs.Natural light is perhaps the hardest and yet most rewarding
lighting a
photographer can work with.Used
correctly, and the photographs will inspire emotions and feelings in the
viewer that are nearly impossible to recreate with a studio lit
photograph.Or used incorrectly and you will e

Wedding Favor Creator

(for anything heart-shaped) Love lives in happy hearts (anything heart-shaped) The best gifts are tied with heartstrings (anything heart- shaped) May there always be spice in your life! (for apple pie recipe and spice; for hot chocolate/cinnamon mix) We�re suited to a 'T' (for specialty teas) Nothing can wash away the love we feel! (bath oil, bath salts, soaps) Thanks for sharing this special day with us Thank you for sharing in the celebration of our love (or union, etc.) Thanks for joining us on our wedding day Thanks for sharing in our special day Other Unique Ideas Personalized coasters made from CD�s (see Personalized CD mix of your favorite music - print out a liner for the CD case with your names, wedding date and a nice background or a photo of the happy bride and groom-to-be! Fortune cookies to make with printed fortunes that you create on your computer - or add your names and wedding date (see for fortune cookie recipe) small picture frames that can double as place cards Heart-shaped cookie cutters with your favorite sugar cookie recipe Homemade bell-shaped or heart-shaped cookies decorated with your names and wedding date in hard icing Finishing Details Wrap each filled favor in colored netting or tulle to match your wedding colors or line white or glitter netting with colored tissue paper before wrapping your favors. Wrap the favor bag with ribbon or lace and add your note card (hole-punched). Tie into bow and add a sprig of dried or silk flowers and it�s ready for your special day! (c)2004 DDesign Reprints of this article are free of charge as long as you include the author portion of the text About The AuthorHeather Diodati is the owner of Whimsies! By DDesign featuring Personalized Cartoon Designs for all occasions. See our unique Wedding Cartoon Design personalized with your names and wedding date! 8" x 10" size with free mat, they make a truly special souvenir for the new Mr. And Mrs! Wedding favor magnets are also offered in four different designs, fully personalized; something really special for your favor bags! Sign up for our free ezine, On A Whim, for your free time management gifts; and if you looooove ballroom dancing be sure to subscribe to Dancing On Air ezine, for your free gift, The Dancer's Notebook! info@whimsies-online.comThis article was posted on March 21, 2004 ...Wedding Photography by Richard's
Photography San Antonio

Wedding Favor Creator

(many of them can be purchased at your local dollar store) - tiny wicker baskets or straw hats - egg cups - candle holders - flat shells (scallops) - small filigree metal boxes - decorated wooden boxes - coffee mugs - wine glasses - small decorative dish - tiny flower pots - little tin watering cans - small jars - ceramic spoon rest Fillings to add to your favor containers - heart-shaped candies or chocolates - Hershey�s kisses and hugs - small floating candles - gourmet or flavored coffee - enough for one pot - little decorative soaps - wild flower seed packets or small quantity of seeds with planting instructions, wrapped in colored cellophane - flower bulbs - bath oil beads - bath salts - small bag of mixed spice (cinnamon/nutmeg) and your favorite apple pie recipe - packets of specialty tea - hot chocolate and cinnamon mix - enough for one mug Sample sayings and poems to write or print onto a small note card along with your names and wedding date (punch a hole in the card and attach a ribbon to tie to your favors) - Please plant these to celebrate our growing love (for bulbs, seeds) - All things grow with love (for bulbs, seeds) - Our flame of love will always be bright (for candles) - Hugs and Kisses from the new Mr. And Mrs! (for He

The Monogram Theme Wedding

com) - stationary seals or stickers - painted aisle runners - printed bridal bouquet ribbons - bridal underwear or garter - bridal handkerchief - accent to bridal train, veil or gown - ring bearer�s pillow - stamped or printed out-of-town bags - bridesmaids� totes - guestbook - engraved guestbook pen - tablecloths - chair covers - place cards and menus - cocktail napkins - coasters - centerpieces - engraved cake server set - cake embellishment - wood, wire, metal, chocolate or acrylic monogram cake topper - monogram wreaths of silk or real flowers - fabric wall or door banners - champagne flutes - bottled water labels - �tears of joy� packs - monogrammed wedding favors: cookies, ornaments, shot glasses, votive candles, chocolates, petit fours, notepads, favor boxes - dance floor �gobo� projections How do I get a monogram? You make it! Many brides find they can �roll their own� using a readily-available software program such as Microsoft Word or PowerPoint. If you�re a graphic designer or have access to high-end tools, you�d probably prefer Adobe Illustrator, but Word or PowerPoint are also fine. If you�ve played around but don�t like the results, call on an arty friend. To design your monogram in Microsoft Word: Choose Insert -> Textbox. Type and format th

All You Ever Wanted to Know About Wedding Officiants

Perhaps you remember a time when it was hard to get one if you weren't among the "regularly churched"! But times have changed, and hiring an officiant for your wedding is now standard procedure. Basically, brides-to-be find themselves in one of two camps: Either they have a regular church and a favorite minister, who might be a longstanding family friend, or they need to find one through word-of-mouth or web sites. The latter situation often costs more, but allows for a lot of flexibility. Depending on your tastes and faiths, you can often find a judg

Spotlight on the Asian-Themed Wedding

Asian-themed weddings are on the rise, and at first this might come as a surprise. After all, nothing could seem further from the Laura Ashley vision we get when thinking of a wedding. And in fact, that's one of the forces behind the rising popularity of the Asian-themed wedding: how it turns things upside-down. In fact, in a Chinese-style wedding, white is bad (it's the color of death) and red and black are good (they're the colors of luck and prosperity). You might wonder whether brides that plan Asian-themed weddings are Asian (or marrying someone who is). The answer is, sometimes. Surprisingly often, they aren't, and the choice is purely aesthetic. Today's trends break down into two main types of Asian-themed weddings: the Japanese or "Zen" style, which values simplicity and nature, and the more riotous Chinese style, which bristles with bright colors and shiny fabrics. Although ei

All You Ever Wanted to Know About Wedding Officiants

Photography San AntonioWedding+favors
Back To SnippetBack To SITEMAPAll You Ever Wanted to Know About Wedding Officiants
Author: Blake Kritzberg
Tracking down a wedding officiant can be a little intimidating. Perhaps you remember a time when it was hard to get one if you weren't among the "regularly churched"! But times have changed, and hiring an officiant for your wedding is now standard procedure. Basically, brides-to-be find themselves in one of two camps: Either they have a regular church and a favorite minister, who might be a longstanding family friend, or they need to find one through word-of-mouth or web sites. The latter situation often costs more, but allows for a lot of flexibility. Depending on your tastes and f

5 Things You Must Do To Fail in Business

If you are starting your business or currently being miserably unsuccessful, you might want to read on. No doubt that most entrepreneurs want to succeed in business and I wont argue that failing is on the top of the do list for anyone. Here are five things you must do to fail in business. 1 You must want to become an overnight success. Isn�t it great to hear about some new product becoming an instant hit? Realistically, most overnight success stories take a lot more than one night of work. Think of any popular brand and think how long it took to create it. Even though things can happen quickly online, it takes a lot of testing and trying of what works for your business. 2 You must

An Ethical Alternative to the Conspicuous Excess of the Average Wedding

With the cost of the average wedding reported to be around �17,000, a rising number of couples are beginning to question just where that money goes. In these times of environmental awareness and social responsibility, a lot of people are looking at how they can arrange their special day with these ethical principles in mind.A growing number of wedding gift lists are being substituted for the more selfless idea of charity lists. The fact that many people live together nowadays before they get married, means that they already have all the household items they actually need. Rather than ask their guests for gratuitous symbols of consumption, some couples are choosing to support a good cause instead. Guests are asked to donate to charity in a range of ways, from buying a cow or a camel for a third world community, to planting trees to create a woodland grove.�Green� issues can come into every aspect of wedding planning, from finding �conflict-free� wedding rings to environmentally-friendly confetti and wedding invitations made from recycled paper. More and more people are choosing to follow an ethically-aware lifestyle, so it makes sense for their wedding day to follow their beliefs. Ways to cut down on waste and food miles include using local

Buy Discount Candles Online or Make Them Yourself

Here is a brief list of the types of candles available: Paraffin Candles Tea Light Candles Scented Gel Jar Candles Soy Wax Candles Christmas Gel Candles Gold Votive Candles Mini Floating Candles Thanksgiving Floating Candles Christmas Floating Candles Lily Floating Candles Easter Vigil Candles Coconut Candles Animal Shaped Candles Frosted Votive Candles and Holders If you are looking for some nice candle holders, here are some you may find: Hanging Candle Holders Wall Candle Holders Glass Flower Candle Holders Stained Glass Candle Holders Iron Pillar Candle Holders Some people enjoy making candles as a hobby. Making candles is fun and relatively easy. You can find several good how to guides and books online that will show you how to make the most popular types of candles. For instance, you can find out how to make unique: soy candles, gel candles, swirled candles, hurricane candles, etc. When you learn how to make your own home made candles you can even make cool items like: gel candles in cocktail glasses, wedding favors gel candles, i

Finding the Dress of Your Dream at a Price You Can Afford

I started looking for my dress a few months before I got married and I found the dress I loved, but it was $800. My dress was really simple and this was not in my budget, so I got the company name and the style number and searched everywhere online and off for this dress. Finally I found it offline for $499 at a local bridal shop. But them I was looking for flower girl dresses in a popular department store catalog and imagine my surprise when I saw my dress for $299. I couldn�t believe it. I know I lucked out, but maybe with these tips you can too! Be patient. You can definitely wait to buy your dress. With all these different companies selling that on dress, you can search to find the best dress. Unless you�re buying a Vera Wang original, do a little hunting! Write down the designer and style number or dress name. This is important for your research. Research Look everywhere online and off for your dress. I found my dress online for a couple of lower prices

Finding the Dress of Your Dream at a Price You Can Afford

I started looking for my dress a few months before I got married and I found the dress I loved, but it was $800. My dress was really simple and this was not in my budget, so I got the company name and the style number and searched everywhere online and off for this dress. Finally I found it offline for $499 at a local bridal shop. But them I was looking for flower girl dresses in a popular department store catalog and imagine my surprise when I saw my dress for $299. I couldn�t believe it. I know I lucked out, but maybe with these tips you can too!Be patient. You can definitely wait to buy your dress. With all these different companies selling that on dress, you can search to find the best dress. Unless you�re buying a Vera Wang original, do a little hunting!Write down the designer and style number or dress name. This is important for your research.Research Look everywhere o

All The Details: 25 Ways to Make Your Wedding a Unique and Truly Memorable Event

ack To SnippetBack To SITEMAPAll The Details: 25 Ways to Make Your Wedding a Unique and Truly Memorable Event
Author: Ashley Rader
If you've been to one wedding, you've seen it all. From the flowers and the candles to the dress and the music, the typical wedding can be as predictable and generic as your Uncle Leo's dance moves. For your wedding to stand out, you need to involve your guests in the sentiment and process of the day. It's not the cake or the great food that will be remembered, but all the little details that will make your wedding as unique and memorable for your guests as it will be for you. These 25 ideas on how to personalize your day will make it the event that will be talked about for years to come:1. Write a welcome note for your out-of-town guests on postcards

Wedding Insurance � Peace of Mind for Your Perfect Day?

Events can happen unexpectedly that it is impossible to plan for. For example, what if there was a fire that destroyed the wedding venue just before the big day? Or what if the marquee company went bust? Most couples would by then have paid a large sum of non-refundable deposits to hire the venue and the caterers etc. Without insurance this money has effectively gone up in smoke, and the couple would have to find a new venue for the reception at very short notice, or face the option of having to postpone their wedding day altogether.In this situation, a good wedding insurance policy would cover the costs of the deposits and provide help towards the extra costs of rearranging the wedding. Of course it always pays to be diligent when buying any sort of insurance premium. It is advisable to compare the level of cover offered by various companies, as this can vary considerably between insurance providers.With the average cost of a wedding dress now approximately �1000, plus the high costs of the attire for the groom and the rest of the bridal party, it may well be worth considering insurance in case any of the outfits get ruined. There are so many different things to organize when arranging a wedding, which means relying on lots of other people to make

Planning Weddings on a Budget

uthor: Rosemarie Baylor
Planning as early as possible for your wedding is the key to maintaining a budget you can afford. It is a good idea for both the future Bride and Groom to do this together. You may find that you have two completely different ideas of what your wedding should cost.Make a list for each area of your wedding. This will help you in coming up with a total cost for your special day. Include the amount you would like to spend and who will be paying for each area. The following is a list of some area�s you may want to consider adding to your list:1. Wedding accessories and gown2. Grooms Formalwear3. Bridal Jewelry4. Ceremony Site, Officiator, Musicians and vocalists5. Phot

Wedding Favor Creator

(many of them can be purchased at your local dollar store)tiny wicker baskets or straw hatsegg cupscandle holdersflat shells (scallops)small filigree metal boxesdecorated wooden boxescoffee mugswine glassessmall decorative dishtiny flower potslittle tin watering canssmall jarsceramic spoon restFillings to add to your favor containersheart-shaped candies or chocolatesHershey�s kisses and hugssmall floating candlesgourmet or flavored coffee - enough for one potlittle decorative soapswild flower seed packets or small quantity of seeds with planting instructions, wrapped in colored cellophaneflower bulbsbath oil beadsbath saltssmall bag of mixed spice (cinnamon/nutmeg) and your favorite apple pie recipepackets of specialty teahot chocolate and cinnamon mix - enough for one mugSample sayings and poems to write or print onto a small note card along with your names and wedding date (punch a hole in the card and attach a ribbon to tie to your favors)Please plant these to celebrate our growing love (for bulbs, seeds)All things grow with love (for bulbs, seeds)Our flame of love will always be bright (for candles)Hugs and Kisses from the new Mr. And Mrs! (for Hershey�s kisses and/or hugs)Heart-felt wishes f

Spotlight on the Asian-Themed Wedding

Asian-themed weddings are on the rise, and at first this might come as a surprise. After all, nothing could seem further from the Laura Ashley vision we get when thinking of a wedding.And in fact, that's one of the forces behind the rising popularity of the Asian-themed wedding: how it turns things upside-down. In fact, in a Chinese-style wedding, white is bad (it's the color of death) and red and black are good (they're the colors of luck and prosperity).You might wonder whether brides that plan Asian-themed weddings are Asian (or marrying someone who is). The answer is, sometimes. Surprisingly often, they aren't, and the choice is purely aesthetic.Toda

Wedding Flowers -- Determining What You Need

The corsages can match the wedding bouquet, the wedding decoration or the dresses worn by the women in the wedding party. Make sure you ask beforehand whether the women would like corsages to be pinned to their dresses or purses or to wear on their wrist.Boutonnieres: The groom's boutonniere almost always matches the wedding bouquet. The best man, groomsmen and ushers also wear boutonnieres, but different from the groom. The fathers and grandfathers of the groom and bride receive boutonnieres as well.Ceremony wedding flowers: You will need to check with the coordinator at the ceremony site before you place any orders for wedding flowers for the ceremony. You generally have the option of decorating the beginning of the pews, the aisle and the arches with wedding flowers. You may also want wedding flowers at the guest book table. A beautiful tradition is to pass around rose petals to all the guests to toss at the bride and groom when they are finally introduced as man and wife.Reception wedding flowers: Wedding flowers to be used as part of the wedding decoration for your reception will be determined entirely by the theme of your wedding reception. In general, it is common to have some kind of wedding flowers at each table. The buffet table also needs to be decorated with wedding flowers. One way to cost cut on wedding flowers is to use the attendants' bouquets to decorate the cake table. As beautiful as flowers make the occasion, remember to order only as many wedding flowers as you can afford. Also, a great way to share your joy with others is to arrange to have the wedding flowers sent to an orphanage or old age home the day after your wedding. Not only will this bring a smile to the faces of those who receive them, it will bring a big smile to you knowing you passed on your joy to others.Copyright Andrea Britt, 2005. All rights reserved.Reprint Rights: Feel free to use this article on your website or online publication. Please remember that you must include the author's copyright, resource box and live URL links, exactly as shown below, to the author�s website at the end of the article.Andrea Britt is owner of where you can find elegant, unique wedding favors, bridal shower favors, and wedding planning tips for your wedding reception and brida

Bridal Accessories To Complete Your Wedding Look

ere�s a quick rundown of the bridal accessories you want to pay attention to. Wedding veils: Other than the wedding gown, the veil is another piece of wedding accessories that shouts � �Here comes the bride!� If you choose to wear a wedding veil, make sure you pick one that suits you and your wedding gown. Veils come in varying lengths. The shoulder length flyaway style is very popular with modern brides. However, the traditional cathedral veil is ultraformal and three and one-half yards long. That is one bridal accessory that makes a statement!Headpieces: Generally, headpieces are used to attach the veil in place. Combs, headbands, backpieces and Juliet caps are all popular bridal accessories. These wedding accessories look very beautiful and are decorated with pearls, crystals, beads, lace or even f

Planning Your Honeymoon -- 6 Tips To Help

Going for an Arctic Cruise in the middle of January might not be the wisest thing to do. All honeymoon destinations have a peak season during which you experience the best of the place. If the higher rates don�t bother you, travel during peak season.Using a good travel agent: Most people think a honeymoon package would turn out more expensive than if they plan their own honeymoon trip. This is not always the case. Sometimes a good travel agent can get you great discounted rates. A travel agent can also help you pick and choose your destination, make reservations for you and in general advise you about your honeymoon plans. Using a travel agent is also helpful if you are traveling to a foreign country, which is unfamiliar territory for you.Legalities & papers: The last thing you want on your honeymoon is to be stuck in a foreign country with some legal documents missing. Make sure your passport, visas and any other documents you may need are organized well in advance. Also get yourself an International driving permit to enable you to move about freely.Traveler�s checks: Carrying cash while traveling may not be such a great idea. It is always better to carry traveler�s checks which you can encash at your convenience around the globe. Credit cards are also an option but with Internet fraud on the rise, they too pose a risk. Wherever you choose to honeymoon, remember to plan well in advance an

Wedding Planning -- Staying Within Your Wedding Budget

Planning and organizing a wedding budget can greatly reduce the stress of putting together a wedding. The very thought of a wedding conjures up images of finery and elegance, music and dance, fun, frolic and lavish spreads. However, all the extravagance can really add up. So, whatever the size and style of the wedding, one cannot underestimate the importance of a wedding budget.Getting started on the wedding budgetYou need to determine who is paying for the wedding. Traditionally, the bride�s parents sponsored the entire wedding. This no longer holds true. So put your heads together and decide who is paying for

Get Wedding Gifts You'll Enjoy -- Creating Your Wedding Registry

A large and popular store like Macys is a good option to create your wedding registry with. Let your guests know about your wedding registry at least 2 months in advance. If a guest has already bought you a gift, it is highly unlikely that she would buy another one from your wedding registry. Also, if the gift is not listed in your wedding registry it can put the guest in a spot. Ensure that you have gifts in your wedding registry from a wide price range. Choosing only high priced wedding gifts as part of your wedding registry could be considered to be in bad taste. Create a wedding registry with a store that allows you to merge the registry online and offline. This will make it easy for guests from out of town to shop for you. Ensure that your wedding registry includes items that can be easily shipped. While most guests are willing to spend on the wedding gift itself, if they have to pay extra for shipping and handling they may not be so excited about it. When creating your wedding registry make sure you specify your name as well as that of your spouse. Some guests may want personalize your gift and may need to know how to spell your names. Creating a wedding registry online has many benefits. The online wedding registry keeps track of who bought you what. Also, you can email thank you notes directly from the website. You can also create multiple wedding registries with dif

Selecting Your Wedding Centerpieces

The height of the wedding centerpiece also needs to be carefully considered. If the wedding centerpiece you choose is something thin like a beautiful candle, the height won't matter. In fact you may need it to be really tall to get noticed. On the other hand if the wedding centerpiece is a floral arrangement, ensure that it is short enough that guests can see each other over the arrangement. Often people choose wedding centerpieces that are so overwhelming that guests cannot even see each other across them, let alone hold a conversation!Your budget will of course determine the wedding centerpiece you choose. Wedding centerpieces can be very affordable or very extravagant. It is up to you to decide how much you want to spend.You could also choose a wedding centerpiece that doubles as wedding party favors. This is a great idea because it allows you to combine your budget for the wedding centerpieces and the party favors and afford something better. Wedding centerpiece options: Floral arrangements are the most common and traditional wedding centerpiece options. They can vary from small exotic arrangements to large effusive ones. If you want the wedding centerpiece to double as a party favor, think about placing a small potted plant that als

Focus On What Is Important � Your Wedding Disc Jockey Choice

That�s less than the gratuity on the meal!Remember that $75/pp meal will only occupy guests for 2 hours out of the average 5 hour reception. Your Wedding disc jockey is responsible for everything after the meal. Your banquet staff will disappear into the background. Their job is done. It is time for your Wedding disc jockey to bring the event to a party atmosphere.Let�s look at your wedding budget for a minute. The difference between a low-end disc jockey and a true top-notch professional Wedding disc jockey is less than $1,000. What other items in your wedding budget can be eliminated to facilitate obtaining a better wedding reception entertainer?Printed napkins - $150Cake knife set - $50Toast glasses - $50Ice sculpture - $200Floral centerpieces - $20/table = $200 (can be replaced with inexpensive votive candles)Wedding favors - $250Not one of these items would be missed if they were not present at your Wedding reception. Without the best available Wedding disc jockey, your party could be a flop from the moment people walk in. We�ve all been to events where the Wedding disc jockey plays �Kenny G� music throughout cocktail and dinner as if guests are not supposed to notice that they are just playing the same cd. We�ve gone to events where the Wedding disc jockey plays the same music in the same order as the last person without any regard to the crowd or what they are reacting to or not reacting to. Choose wisely and make sure your Wedding budget keeps emphasis on the important things that will guarantee you a successful Wedding reception and not one where guests stare at their wrist watches looking for an opportunity to sneak out early due to lack of quality Wedding disc jockey entertainment.Rob AlbertiProfessional Wedding Disc Jockey since 1983After Hours Disc Jockey Service - MA/CT/RI Regions ...Wedding Photography by Richard's
Photography San Antonio

Top 10 Wedding Decoration Budget Tips

Here are the top 10 tips that you should know in order to lower the cost of your wedding decorations.1. Decide on the essential items that you must have first and then worry about the extras.2. Hand make the centerpieces yourself using items priced toward your budget.3. Using artificial flowers is cheaper than fresh flowers unless you pick them yourself from a field.4. Skip the extra wedding favors and focus more attention on decoration detail.5. Never go over your budget because you set it up for a reason6. For smaller items like candles, candle holders, small laces etc. visit your nearby dollar store.7. Never underestimate the elegance

Budget Tips For Your Wedding Reception

Ask the staff to pass around glasses of champagne especially for the wedding toast. Close the bar an hour before the wedding reception ends. Serve only cold drinks, tea and coffee afterwards. If possible, choose a venue that allows you to bring your own liquor. Once you are bringing your own liquor the rates go down considerably and you can consider having an open bar at the wedding reception. The venue is another large expense for the wedding reception. Think about having your wedding during off-season. Most wedding venues will be available for discounted prices during the off-season.Also, booking a wedding venue for your wedding reception well in advance gives you the leverage to try and bargain for a good discount. If you cannot get a monetary discount try and wrangle some perks like valet parking at the venue for your guests. Wedding cakes can get really expensive. Instead of having one single large wedding cake, order a smaller wedding cake to be cut at the wedding reception. Use this cake for display and for the cake cutting ceremony. Let the guests be served from sheet cakes inside the kitchen, which are a whole lot cheaper. You also don�t need any other dessert other than the wedding cake.If you are on a really tight budget, plan a cocktail wedding reception instead of one that includes a full meal. Also, discuss with your caterer, which foods are in season. Using foods that are freely available also means they are cheaper. Strawberry shortcake in th

All You Ever Wanted to Know About Wedding Officiants

You can often get an idea of the flavor, preparedness, flexibility and even appearance of a popular local officiant.When should you book an officiant?Some officiants book early. If you're really particular about whom you want to do the service and can't budge on the date, try to book more than six months in advance. Some couples book a year ahead.How much do officiants charge?A minister at your own church may not charge anything at all, but may accept donations. In that case, a $100-200 donation is about average. Ask the minister yourself if there's any doubt.An officiant you engage yourself will set his or her own rates. Rates generally range from $250-600, but some well-known officiants may charge more.Do we send an invitation?By custom, you invite your officiant to your rehearsal dinner as a guest. You also invite the officiant and his or her spouse to your reception with a formal invitation, just like other guests. Unless the officiant is an old family friend, he or she may decline to stay, but an invitation is proper. You aren't expected to invite the officiant's children.Can you use a friend as an officiant?It's done all the time, and can make weddings very personal. A father, mother, or the friend who introduced you can make for an amazing event. Be sure to pick someone comfortable speaking in front of large crowds, and brush up on your state's laws and licensing requirements. Here's a good site to begin your chosen friend or family member can become ordained "instantly and online" at the Universal Life Church, which in some areas will enable them to perform legal weddings. Again, be sure of your state's laws. Many times, ministers ordained by ULC will also have to register in their state and obtain a license before they can practice. Call your local county clerk for clarification.Universal Life Church: www.ulc.orgDo I meet with the officiant before or after booking, and what should I expect at the meeting?Ideally, an officiant will allow a "getting to

wedding+favors articles

edding Favor Creator
Wedding favors have always been a nice, personal gesture to include in your wedding preparations. Unfortunately, there are too many "cookie-cutter" type favors out there, which portray the couple�s lack of interest in providing something unique. Here is a Wedding Favor Creator for you to use for your upcoming wedding or one that you�re planning for your best friend. You can mix and match to your heart�s content and according to the budget you have. Small containers to use for candies, chocolates, small floating candles, decorative soaps,...
The Monogram Theme Wedding
Monograms are a huge trend in weddings, to the point where they feature strongly in some, and in others, provide the actual theme. And what�s not to like about mono

Celtic Wedding Rituals -- "Tying the knot"

It is a long standing Celtic tradition that is still quite popular, and happens to be the origin of the expression "tying the knot" which has grown to mean getting married. Though this tradition is a lovely and meaningful tradition, many other Celtic wedding traditions have not aged as gracefully.All marriages start with a proposal. Proposals such as "Live in my heart and pay no rent" or "Would you like to hang your washing next to mine" might have been uttered to a would be fianc�.As beautiful as the ceremony was, after the ceremony wasn't so sweet. The bride and groom might eat three handfuls of salt and oatmeal as protection against evil spirits, which probably wasn't as tasty as cake and cham

wedding favors professional photography articles

If you are put off by the materialism and �me, me, me� aspect of modern weddings, then why not plan your day to reflect your personal philosophy and beliefs? It�s not just gift lists that are being replaced. Conscientious brides and grooms are putting a lot of thought into making every part of their wedding day more ecologically sound, from purchasing fair trade flowers to using organic food in the catering.
Buy Discount Candles Online or Make Them Yourself
If you�re looking to buy discount or wholesale candles online you�re in luck. You can find just about any type of candle online to add decoration and beauty to your home. Likewise, if you enjoy making your own homemade candles, you can buy wholesale paraffin candles, tea light candles and soy wax for making lovely soy candles. There are many varieties of unique decorative candles to choose from online. It would be hard to find all of these candles in a department store or gift shop, but online there are

wedding and bridal favors information articles

Wedding Favor Creator
Unique Wedding Favor Ideas By Heather Diodati, DDesign Wedding favors have always been a nice, personal gesture to include in your wedding preparations. Unfortunately, there are too many "cookie-cutter" type favors out there, which portray the couple�s lack of interest in providing something unique. Here is a Wedding Favor Creator for you to use for your upcoming wedding or one that you�re planning for your best friend. You can mix and match to your heart�s content and according to the budget you have. Small containers to use for ca ...
The Monogram Theme Wedding
Monograms are a huge trend in weddings, to the point where they feature strongly in some, and in others, provide the actual theme. And what�s not to like about monograms? They�re elegant, understated, versatile, and a dramatic visual reminder of your new life together. Ways to include monograms You�ll find them popping up in more and more places throughout the reception, and sometimes even prior to it. Here are some ways that brides include monograms: - embossed, stamped or printed bridal stationary - custom postage stamps (see www.funsta ...
Author:Favor FalafelCLICK HERE TO READ THE REST OF THIS ARTICLEWedding Photography
by Richard's Photography San Antonio

wedding day favors and exciting articles

Basically, brides-to-be find themselves in one of two camps: Either they have a regular church and a favorite minister, who might be a longstanding family friend, or they need to find one through word-of-mouth or web sites. The latter situation often costs more, but allows for a lot o ...
How to Save Money on Wedding and Baby Shower Favors
Planning on having a wedding or baby shower soon? Getting favors is a nice way of saying thank you to your guests for coming. Here are some tips for saving money when purchasing baby shower or wedding favors.1) Buy extras off other people - Oftentimes, people get too many favors for their occasion. After all, it is better to be safe than sorry. Once the celebration is over, however, these people may be willing to sell you their leftover favors at a sharp discount. If you don't know anyone personally, then look in the clas

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wedding favors and wedding articles

Wedding veils: Other than the wedding gown, the veil is another piece of wedding accessories that shouts � �Here comes the bride!� If you choose to wear a wedding veil, make sure you pick one that suits you and your wedding gown. Veils come in varying lengths. The...
Planning Your Honeymoon -- 6 Tips To Help
The groom traditionally plans the honeymoon. However, most brides prefer to be in on the honeymoon plans so that they can prepare ahead too. Here are some things the two of you need to discuss when planning your honeymoon. The honeymoon budget: The groom usually pays for the honeymoon so it is important that you both know how much you can afford to spend. The budget will determine your choice of destination and the duration of your honeymoon.The honeymoon destination: Honeymoons are meant for relaxing, ...
Planning Weddings on a Budget
Planning as early as possible for your wedding is the key to maintaining

wedding bridal favors tips and informative articles

In fact, in a Chinese-style wedding, white is bad (it's the color of death) and red and black are good (they're the colors of luck and prosperity).You might wonder whether brides that plan Asian-themed weddings are Asian ...
Finding the Dress of Your Dream at a Price You Can Afford
Finding the Dress of Your Dreams At a Price You Can AffordInspired by my own search for my wedding dress, I decided to write this article because it turns out you can get lucky if you research and are patient. I started looking for my dress a few months before I got married and I found the dress I loved, but it was $800. My dress was really simple and this was not in my budget, so I got the company name and the style number and searched everywhere online and off for this dress. Finally I found it offline for $499 at a local bridal sho ...
All The Details: 25 W

wedding+favors articles

One of the most elegant rituals you can choose for a wedding is the traditional Celtic hand fasting. After the vows, the bride and groom's wrists are bound together with five colored ribbons, each symbolizing an aspect of marriage and their shared commitment. It is a long standing Celtic tradition that is still quite popular, and happens to be the origin of the expression "tying the knot" which has grown to mean getting married. Though this tradition is a lovely and meaningful tradition, many other Celtic wedding traditions have not aged as...
Focus On What Is Important � Your Wedding Disc Jockey Choice
Your true love got down on his knees and asked

wedding favorites and wedding day tips and articles

Worrying about things like whether the couple will like it, is it nice enough, do they need it, can it be exchanged and similar things can make the shopping expedition quite tiresome. You can make things easier for your guests by creating a wedding registry.Not on ...
Selecting Your Wedding Centerpieces
Wedding centerpieces help tie together the look of your entire table setting. The wedding centerpieces will affect the linens you choose, the size of the tables and even the number of guests you seat on each table. It is important to discuss beforehand with your decorator and caterer the wedding centerpiece options available to you.Things to keep in mind when selecting wedding centerpieces:The size of the wedding centerpiece is of utmost importance. The wedding centerpiece should not be so small as to get overloo ...
Wedding Flowers -- Determining What You Need
Wedding flowers make up a large part of the wedding decoration. When you talk about wedding flowers, you don't mean the flowers for the wedding reception only. Wedding flowers also include the bride's bouquet, corsages, attendants' flowers and all the other flowers you need throughout the wedding ceremony.Here are some things to keep in mind when deciding what wedding flowers you need. Bride's bouquet: The most talked about wedding flowers in the whole ceremony. This one has to match your dress and other accessories...
Author:Andrea Brit

Professional Wedding Engagement Photographer|Engagement Photographers|San Antonio Engagement Portraits

It's not hard to find an engagement ring of your choice. You can find
fabulous engagement rings on the Internet or by visiting a local jewelry
store near you, but this is a fact - when it comes to buying engagement
rings, it's not WHAT you know about engagement rings, diamonds and the
quality of gold that matters, it's WHO the engagement seller is and his
reputation in the engagement ring sector.
Regardless of how successful the engagement ring seller is, a dishonest
engagement ring seller will always try his or her best to fool you about
the quality and price of the engagement rings he or she sells. This is to
ensure highest possible profit. Even the most experienced and established
engagement dishonest ring retailer will try to do this.
However, there's a handful of honest engagement ring sellers who will
give you a fabulous deal even if you know NOTHING about engagement rings.
Their focus is not to fool you once-off. But the most important trait that
an honest engagement ring seller has is that he or she is trying to give
you value for money and build trust and a long-term relationship with you.
They want you to take the engagement ring home, show it off to your
friends and relatives, and then give good reviews about where you got the
engagement ring a

wedding+favors articles

%TITLE% Wedding Favor Articles

wedding favors articles

Wedding Favor Articles

wedding+favors articles

%TITLE% Wedding Favor Articles

Monday, October 24, 2005

Photography: The Basics

Photography comes from the Greek words meaning “light writing” and first became known back in 1839 by Sir John Herschel. For many years prior to this, people had discovered ways of causing certain chemicals to change color when exposed to light but they did not discover ways of getting the images to remain permanent until later on. Now photography is a big part of our culture, something that everyone recognizes.

Most everyone has family photos lying around their house, many people take these photos on a regular basis, preserving precious memories for years to come. Even if you don’t have your own camera, you have seen photos in magazines, used on billboards and advertisements and more. What is Photography? Photography is defined as “The art or process of producing images by the action of light on surfaces sensitized by chemical processes. The average person never has to deal with this technical definition because they take their photographs to a lab to be processed. They simply take pictures with their camera and then drop them off somewhere to be developed. They get their prints back on nice glossy paper that they can then keep to see the images at any time they wish.

There are also instant develop photographs, commonly known as the Polaroid, in which the paper itself contains the chemicals needed and when the paper sits for a few seconds exposed to light the photo will develop. Many people enjoy these because you could view your photo almost instantly but over the years, the quality has improved with other films and many people migrated to other types of cameras. The common types of film are 35mm and 110. These film rolls come in different speeds that are meant for different lighting and situations and are loaded into your camera, used until the end of the roll and then sent for developing. What Are the Different Types of Photography? Photography is more than just a fabric of the average family’s memories, it has become an art form taking on many different types.

Some types of photography are artistic photography, photojournalism, documentary photography, portrait photography, event photography, family photography, nature photography, advertising photography, underwater photography, satellite photography and more. Each of these types has many different directions in which they can go. Photography is a common hobby or pastime for many people. It is a career for many other people. There are so many different venues of it. One of the most recent revelations in photography is the digital camera and digital photo. In an age of computers and computer technology, digital photos have become increasingly popular. People no longer have to deal with film and developing because digital photos can be downloaded onto a computer and viewed instantly. Digital photos can be shared on the web and through email.

They can also be saved on CDs. Many digital cameras come with LCD screens so the photos can be viewed from the camera itself. You see what the picture looks like instantly instead of waiting for developing. Digital cameras are advancing every day and new technology is released on each one. Lower quality ones can be picked up at a local retail store for about $15 now.

These often do not contain flash and the quality is not as great. Other digital cameras can range anywhere from $20 to $1,000. The most high-tech camera for normal individual use is about $200. This may seem like a lot but when compared to the price of film and developing, you can save a lot by going this route. You can also send as many copies of your photos as you wish through email and the web so copies are unlimited. You can even print copies of your digital photographs from your computer. Photography has come a long way since its early days but its popularity has not waned. It will likely be with us for thousands of years to come.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Loving Your Hobbies More

Loving Your Hobbies More by Ray La Foy

With the advent of technology that makes almost every chore less time consuming, more and more time may now be devoted to enjoying your hobbies. More people can now take on one or several recreational activities like photography, stamp collection, embroidery, handicrafts, etc.

To provide more resources in the growing interest in having fun with hobbies, the web world has yet gave birth to a website that deals with anything about hobbies:
This everything about hobbies website has clickable sections regarding hobby supplies, hobby lobby, tower hobbies, collectibles and model trains.

It is an online resource center promising hobbie enjoyment, satisfying your hobby needs and assistance in finding hobbies that suit you.

On its hobbies updates and information part, it presents tips on how to find a perfect hobby or hobbies. For those looking for supplies, retailers or suppliers of hobbies materials are also found in this section of the site. If one is looking to buy some hand-made crafts or planning to grow some dough, many for-sale crafts and income-producing hobbies also shared the limelight in this website's hobbies updates and information segment. On one's prime years, a wide selection of suitable hobbies for those who already retired is also availed in this portion. Links, directories and forums that discuss and lead to other several crafts or activities that can be done leisurely are also provided here.

This online hobbies spot also unveils a plethora of hobbies supplies resources. Most of the links found here lead to suppliers of excellent materials, indigenous and synthetic, that make the dream hobbies of a lot of people come true. Painting materials, flowers and plants resources, jewelry making supplies and picture framing materials are all available here. Other more unique hobbies like enjoying the nature through non-conventional methods are also supported in this section of the site through providing stuff like portable microscopes. For those more inclined to mechanical or technical hobbies, web pages and other sites on modeling supplies and aircraft materials can also be accessed on this portion of

Hobby lobby is another clickable link of this website leads to innumerable stores and shops and their locations with hobbies how-to's, supplies, workshops and seminars. Craft store catalogs, online coupons and aircraft models may also be seen on this page of updates regarding hobbies. Creative centers, hobby lobby founder, workers and investors are also given ample chance to shine on this fragment of the site. Hobby lobby stores in various States are here too for those looking for their hobby shop within their vicinity.

Those who are into tower hobbies are even given a special spot or link on this hobbies website. Building wireless towers that provide Internet access to a massive number of net users is one major feat. Links on other hobbies sites that deal with tower building, tower materials, and other tower crafts are also placed in this page of the site.

Collectibles like antiques, figurines, stamps, novelty items and other collection-worthy items may also be found here. Resources on where they can be found or bought are piled on this site. Model trains also found their way on one of the links of this all about hobbies web site.
So if you're just one of those can't-live-without-my-hobby kind of person, this website is made totally for you.